Many people are understandably relieved upon knowing that they do not have to serve the maximum sentence applicable to an original criminal offense, provided that they satisfy the terms and conditions of probation or parole.
For many such individuals, the foremost thought in their mind is logically upon their freedom, without any correspondingly detailed focus on the conditional requirements imposed upon them as a prerequisite to that freedom.
And that natural inclination often breeds serious consequences because, those outcomes “are granted only under strict guidelines that require 100 percent compliance.”
Fall short on rigorously complying with every condition and you could have the maximum sentence for the original offense reinstated.
The proven attorneys at our State College criminal defense firm routinely work with students and all other demographics locally and across much of Pennsylvania who need timely, knowledgeable and aggressive legal representation in the wake of an alleged probation or parole violation. Revocation is an extremely serious matter, and we work hard and purposefully to mitigate adverse consequences attached to an alleged violation to the fullest extent possible.
Often, individuals simply make mistakes. They transpose hearing dates. They innocently miss a meeting. They believe in good faith that they have fully complied with a court order, when in fact they have slipped up on an overlooked detail.
We believe in second chances for our clients, especially when the stakes are high. And our attorneys collectively command decades of on-point experience that informs the strong advocacy we bring to bear in every case where an individual needing our help potentially faces a loss of freedom.
There are two sides to every story. Any of our readers who need to optimally communicate with legal authorities regarding a parole or probation-related matter can turn to our law firm for assistance.