For those convicted of a crime, parole offers an abundance of opportunities. Unfortunately, if you violate parole, you can lose those opportunities. The following includes what you need to know about parole violations, according to the PA Board of Probation and Parole.
CPV refers to criminal parole violators. To violate your parole in this way, you must commit a new crime. When you face charges for a new crime, then you will most likely spend time in prison until you settle the new charges. If sentenced, your parole may count towards your time spent in prison. However, with violent crimes, it does not count.
Technical parole violations include violations of the terms and conditions of the parole. Technical parole violations are not new crimes. Instead, these violations may include:
- Moves without permission
- Broken curfew
- Unauthorized contact with victims
- Failure to report to parole officer
- Failure to conduct or pass drug test
Technical violations are among the most common violations. During your first meeting with a parole officer or agent, you will discuss your conditions at great lengths. Then, you will have to sign a form that confirms you understand every condition. If you violate parole, you could return to prison. The form should inform you of this clearly.
If you are in violation of parole, you can have a hearing. These hearings do not have the same standards as criminal trials. The hearing must determine that you more than likely violated parole.
Parole only ends once you serve your maximum sentence. In this time, you cannot have your parole revoked. Once you finish your sentence, you receive a letter from the district office that discharges you from parole.